Fishing conditions – Hrachovec Dolní pond
1. Hrachovec Dolní pond - angling is allowed daily from 3 April 2023 to 31 October 2023 from 5:00 to 21:00 o´clock. In the period from July to August, until 22:00 o´clock.
2. Sale of angling license – every weekday from 3.4.2023 6:30 - 7:00 and then from 13:30 - 14:00 and every Friday in the sale of fish from 12:00 to 15:00 o´clock only on store-ponds in Moravské Budějovice (Fibichova 797) or by phone at 601 167 029. In case of long-term unavailability call 724 298 883 or 725 763 228.
License price
daily | 250,- Kč |
weekly | 600,- Kč |
monthly | 1.200,- Kč |
seasonal | 3.300,- Kč |
(prices include 21% VAT)
The license is not transferable to another person.
In the case of a government order that would make it impossible to continue sport fishing on the Hrachovec dolní pond during the season, it is not possible to claim any compensation from our company for the purchased allowances. We ask all visitors to always follow the current government regulations and at the same time to have a responsible approach to other visitors.
3. The fishermen are obliged to keep a record of catches and immediately after the expiry of the license hand over the completed record of catches at the store ponds in Moravské Budějovice or to the box at the pond dam by 30 November 2023 at the latest. Otherwise, the client may not be granted a fishing license next time.
4. The fisherman may keep 1 piece of noble fish caught here per day or 3 pieces of tench. Does not apply to white fish or perch. There is a K70 restriction on the pond, i.e. carp and amur over 70 cm in length must be returned to the pond immediately.
5. It is allowed to fish with two rods with a maximum of two leaders, the choice of bait is not limited, baits and lures of plant or animal origin that do not endanger water quality can be used. Spinning is allowed with only one rod with artifical or natural bait. Fisching for live or dead fish and spinning is allowed from 16.6.
6. Zander is protected until 15.6.2023. Catching of zander is possible from 17.6.2023.
7. If the fisherman intends to keep the caught fish, he will put it in the fishnet and have it near, marked and in a visible place. He then record this fish in the catch list – it is strictly forbidden to exchange a fish already kept in a fishnet for another one. When handling live fish, the angler must operate in such a way that the fish is not subject to undue pain, suffering or damage.
8. It is forbidden to contaminate the water and surroundings of the pond in any way.
The angler is obliged to prove his identity to the authorized employees of the Rybářství Lipnice a.s. with a valid fishing license and an identity card. In the event of a breach of the fishing conditions, the authorized worker shall be entitled to withdraw the valid fishing license and possible catch, if any, from the angler and to expel the same from the fishing area without compensation.
In Lipnice, on 17 March 2023